Saturday 5 September 2009

The ideal school...

The ideal school would be an activity where pupils came to achieve an education based on freedom and understanding and where they had confidence they would attain it.

It would have enough space in which to teach and administrate without crowding.

It would be located where the public could identify and find it.

It would be busy looking, with staff in motion not standing about and would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public, who would be able to see who and what was where.

Teachers would be teaching and supervisors would be training students interestedly and sorting out all slows.

There would be a pool of people in training to take over new administrative and teaching posts.

The staff would be well paid because they were productive, while Reception would be buzzing with new people.

Pupils would be getting full results in every subject with the ability to apply attained for each. And they would be leaving with high praises, graduating all on fire to make their mark in the world.

The thousand or more actions that made it up would dovetail smoothly one with another.

Such an ideal school would be built by taking what one has and step by step building and smoothing, grooving in and handling each of its functions, with each of its divisions doing more and more of its full job better and better -the results on pupils is the single important line which makes it possible to build the rest.

The ideal school is the image one builds toward. It is the product of the causative actions of many. Anything which is short of an ideal school can be put right.

The end product is not just an ideal school but a revitalized culture already on its way.

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