Tuesday 9 February 2010

Raising the Standard

Having “settled in” as the Head Teacher at Greenfields, I am now ready to raise the standard of what we deliver to your children -across every subject and throughout the school year.

I know that many of you have been content with what we produce; if you have ever attended Graduation during our end-of-year Gala Weekend, you will know that our graduates are normally outstanding and very thankful for having had the Greenfields Experience to launch their lives, and visiting parents are usually overjoyed with what their children and others have accomplished. I also receive many letters and words of thanks throughout the year for what we do.

But, in today’s world, I feel that it is both our job and our moral duty to do better for our students.

With this in mind, I am lauching a major new initiative in the school to raise our academic and social standards. This will involve several key elements, some drawn from the best practice of other independent schools, and some designed around our own Study Technology. We will aim, through this, to achieve a dramatic improvement in the standard of our products: better educated children.

There will be a concentration on the quantity and quality of what is being taught in every subject.

Our services will be more closely monitored and directed to ensure that students who really need help are getting it.

You will begin to hear more from class tutors, teachers, other staff, and me.

Raising our standards across all subjects and through every week of the school year will present a more challenging environment for students -but they will receive any assistance that they need and we have the wonderful Study Technology to help them too. Then there is really no limit to what they will be able to achieve, for themselves, for each other -and for the world.

That’s the new battle cry here at Greenfields: raise the standard!

You’re welcome to give me whatever feedback you wish!

Grant Hudson

Head Teacher

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