"Here in California, there’s been a lot of talk lately about research that L. Ron Hubbard did on the subject of study and books he wrote to help students do better in school – something called Study Technology.
Study Technology – an education approach which teaches one HOW TO LEARN – is something that I hold very dear to my heart, which is why I have supported it (and used it!) for many years. As a parent, I want my children, and all children, to leave school with a real chance to make it in the world. Anything that can contribute to that deserves a close look.
But the problem runs much deeper than that. Kids who don’t understand the world around them, how it works and how they can contribute to it, are easily overwhelmed. They make bad choices. The links between illiteracy, crime and drug abuse have been demonstrated again and again.
Study Technology has been in use all over the world for a quarter of a century. It was this exact method that enabled me, someone who never finished high school, to achieve one of my greatest goals – to be a jet pilot. And not just that but a jet pilot licensed to fly six different types of jet aircraft . I have also personally seen this miraculous mentoring tool bring hope and joy to the lives of many children whether in inner-city communities, schools or at home.
I think Study Technology is something worth getting excited about. It’s a tool, and it works. But it doesn’t work on its own. Parents, teachers and students have to do two things first: learn how to use it and then decide to use it. I hope you’ll take the time to find out more about Study Technology and Applied Scholastics. It might change your mind about the kind of future we can create for all our children."
John Travolta
Applied Scholastics
Applied Scholastics
This article was taken from the Results! Newsletter (issue III) - The Applied Scholastics® Newsletter for the United Kingdom
How does Study Tech help autistic children?